18th International research and practice conference
«Hardening, coating and repair technologies:
Theory and Practice»

 St. Petersburg, 14-15 April 2016


лого Плазмацентр лого СПбГПУ

St. Petersburg State Polytechnical Universityт

Scientific production facility «Plasmacentre»

St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University and scientific production facility “Plasmacentre”, under the auspices of the North-Western federal district of the RF and the Committee of economical development, industrial policy and trade of St. Petersburg, hold

the 14th International research and practice conference (experience exchange)




The aim of the conference is to identify the exact ways of cutting down financial and budget expenses of enterprises, maintaining the production and technical potential of industrial enterprises through the application of advanced repair, restoration and hardening techniques.

Specialists working in various branches of industry are invited to take part in the conference.

The conference will examine the production and technical issues of industrial enterprises and municipal facilities related to repairs, restoration and hardening of machines, mechanisms, equipment and tools, as well as the experience of applying new repair and hardening techniques that increase the life span of products two to tenfold with minimal financial expenses . New technical repair equipment will also be showcased.

You will have an opportunity to get practical advice on solving your pressing repair, product competitiveness, component life span, coating and hardening issues from leading specialists.

       Please send the applications for participation in the research and practice conference to:

email address: info@plasmacentre.ru

phone/fax numbers: (812) 444-93-37, 444-93-36

mobile phone number: (921) 973-46-74

postal address: 191167, St. Petersburg, P.O. Box 77

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